FinTorro Blog

Your attitudes and beliefs play an important role in your trading / investing journey. You can use FalconFunda’s below 3T’s approach to continuously (re)-build yourself. 

(T)une your Mindset: 
Financial markets are constantly changing and you have to tune your mindset to be ‘positive’ on an everyday basis to adapt to situations, keep your emotions under control and make better decisions.
A key question to ask yourself daily which will help to tune your trading/ investing mindset is ‘ What can I learn from this situation? ‘.

(T)une your Motivation: 
Let’s accept it, our motivation levels fade over time. So how do you tune your motivation levels even when you don’t feel like it? 
One of the most important things you can do at the beginning of your trading / investing journey is to document your ‘why’ and also goals.  
So ask yourself every day ‘What is my reason for trading / investing? ’ to help tune your motivation levels !!

(T)une your Habits:
Like anything else, you need to identify and practise good habits on an everyday basis to be successful in your trading & investing journey. 
Some of the key everyday habits for a trader are

  • Chart(s) Monitoring.
  • Going through financial news.
  • Creating/ Maintaining watchlist(s).
  • Journaling of good/bad decisions.
  • Maintaining Trading /Investing Log. 
  • Learn trading & investing fundamentals & practise every day.

So ask yourself every day ‘Have I practised the right habits today to achieve my investing & trading goals?’. can help you learn trading fundamentals via email every day!

Finally, have & show gratitude no matter what!!

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