FinTorro Blog

Follow the below steps to capture an image of your TradingView Chart.

1) Open your TradingView chart.
2) On the top right-hand side, you will see a ‘Take a Snapshot‘  camera like icon – it is just beside Publish button.
3) Click on this camera like icon.
4) You will see below five options.

TradingView Tips - steps to capture an image of your TradingView Chart

Follow the below steps to capture an image of your TradingView Chart

                                              TradingView Tips – Take a Snapshot Icon click Options

5) Choose one of the above options to get the image of your chart.

Pro Tip: Press Alt Cmd S (Mac ) or Alt Cmd S(Windows) on your keyboard to save the chart image.

Next TradingView Tip to read  –   How to add a text note to your TradingView chart symbol?